Friday, July 20, 2012

soooo I am back to work now! Well, last night I was. I was only gone for 2 weeks and a few days, but I can't believe how much I forgot at my work! I am a barista at a coffee shop, and there are a lot of rules to making a drink! I'm glad I was closing last night so it was slow, but dang I forgot how hectic it is in the mornings! Imagine Friday morning before all those people go to work, they want their coffee right? Well then there comes me being at the espresso bar making all of these drinks. For some reason or another, people seem to order hot drinks in the morning regardless of the weather. So, lucky me, a lot of the drinks were so random. First it's a large iced americano with an extra shot, then it's 3 hot vanilla lattes, then an iced caramel latte, then 2 iced chai tea lattes, then its a hot mocha latte, etc. So I was steaming milk for one drink, and once I'm on the next drink, another hot one comes up! Ugh, if I had known that I would have steamed more milk -.- oh well, it's part of the job! It was nice seeing familiar faces though :] There is this one girl who comes in all the time and she asks how I am feeling all the time. I have told her about my anxiety issues and cysts and stomach problems, and she had the same problems. She helps me out and it works :] She teaches yoga at my gym, so I will go (eventually haha I'm too lazy to actually do it).

Last night, a psycho man went on a shooting rampage in Aurora, Colorado at a movie theatre during the midnight premier of The Dark Night Returns. And I just need to say that people like him make me (and other people too), scared to do more and more things. I was talking to this man at work today who comes in all the time (small dry iced americano with a glass of water) and started talking about how 50 years ago people weren't as scared as they are today. I agree with him 100%! If you think about it, people didn't used to lock their doors because they trusted everyone. Okay maybe that was longer than 50 years ago, but still. Can you imagine the terror and fear being in that theatre? It's one thing to hear about this tragedy, it's another to live it. I would imagine that stunt being fake for the movie. Those movies are dark and full of violence. But once I could hear a gyn being fired, I would be terrified to move. If I got up I would be a target. My heart goes out to those families affected by this shooting, and give them strength to heal and cope with their loses. That man will get what he deserves, and it should be life in prison.

My mom is making spaghetti and garlic bread tonight, yum! She makes the best garlic bread :] So I'm off for dinner!

Hope everyone's day went well :] Have a great evening!


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